Buku Agama Khonghucu Kls 3 K13

by Kurikulum Merdeka

Books & Reference


This Android application is a Student Book and Teachers Guidebook for Confucian Religious Education and Character for Elementary School Class 3 Curriculum 2013. In Pdf format.This Class III Confucian Religion and Character Education book was written in that spirit. Learning is divided into religious activities that students must carry out in an effort to understand their religious knowledge and actualize it in real actions and daily attitudes.The teachers role is very important to increase and adapt students absorption capacity to the availability of activities in this book. This adjustment includes, among other things, opening up wide opportunities for teachers to be creative and enrich them with other appropriate and relevant activities, which originate from the surrounding natural, social and cultural environment.As a revised edition, this book is very open to input and will continue to be revised and perfected. Therefore, we invite readers to provide criticism, suggestions and input to improve and perfect the next edition. For this contribution, we thank you.Hopefully we can provide the best for the progress of the world of education in order to prepare the generation for the centennial of Indonesias Independence (2045).Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.Have a good study.Disclaimer:This Student Book or Teachers Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and can be distributed to the public for free.Material sourced from https://www.kemdikbud.go.id. We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.